Nabízíme k prodeji krásný samostatný areál v MARTINE na SK
- [6.3. 2025]Smazat/ Upravit/ Topovat

Nabízíme v Martině na Slovensku k prodeji ( je možné se dohodnout i na dlouhodobém pronájmu na 5 a více let ) průmyslové prostory pro skladování, výrobní činnost, včetně dostatečně velkého administrativního zázemí. V současné době je pronajat do konce roku 2025 za cca 120 000,Eur /rok. Veškeré náklady na energie a vytápění (které jsou velmi nízké) si hradí nájemce sám. Prostory se nacházejí ve velmi dobré průmyslové lokalitě cca 1 km od dálničního nájezdu. Je zde potenciál dalšího růstu a je připraven projekt na výstavbu další možné výroby/skladu o rozloze cca 1000 m2. Plocha je převedena na elektřinu. Pro výrobní kapacity lze využít vedení 400 V s dostatečnou kapacitou. Areál má celkovou plochu cca 5300 m2 a zastavěnou plochu cca 2100 m2 , více informací na .
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We offer in Martin , Slovakia for sale (it is also possible to agree on a long-term lease for 5 years or more) an industrial area for storage, production activities, including a sufficiently large administrative background. It is currently leased until the end of 2025 for about 120,000 Euros / year. All energy and heating costs (which are very low) are covered by the tenant himself. The premises are located in a very good industrial location, about 1 km from the motorway entrance. There is potential for further growth and a project is prepared for the construction of another possible production/warehouse hall with an area of about 1000 m2. The area is converted to electricity. For production capacities, it is possible to use a 400 V line with sufficient capacity. The area has a total area of about 5300 m2 and a built-up area of about 2100 m2, more info on
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We offer in Martin , Slovakia for sale (it is also possible to agree on a long-term lease for 5 years or more) an industrial area for storage, production activities, including a sufficiently large administrative background. It is currently leased until the end of 2025 for about 120,000 Euros / year. All energy and heating costs (which are very low) are covered by the tenant himself. The premises are located in a very good industrial location, about 1 km from the motorway entrance. There is potential for further growth and a project is prepared for the construction of another possible production/warehouse hall with an area of about 1000 m2. The area is converted to electricity. For production capacities, it is possible to use a 400 V line with sufficient capacity. The area has a total area of about 5300 m2 and a built-up area of about 2100 m2, more info on
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