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Hlavní stránka > Reality > Pronájem > Podnájem, spolubydlící > Inzerát č. 199550459

Beautiful room 11 min. from the center city

- [15.3. 2025]
Smazat/ Upravit/ Topovat

Beautiful room 11 min. from the center  city - 1
Beautiful room 11 min. from the center  city - 2
Beautiful room 11 min. from the center  city - 3
Beautiful room 11 min. from the center  city - 4
Beautiful room 11 min. from the center  city - 5
Beautiful room 11 min. from the center  city - 6
Beautiful room 11 min. from the center  city - 7
Beautiful room 11 min. from the center  city - 8
Beautiful room 11 min. from the center  city - 9
I'm offering a nice room in an apartment about 11 minutes from the city center—from the Muzeum stop, Václavské náměstí. The apartment is located in a beautiful park, so it's quiet. The apartment can be rented from April 1, 2025, to September 1, 2025, but it's possible to extend the stay. Everything is included in the price, including electricity and water.




607... zobraz číslo

Lokalita:Mapa140 00 Praha 4


41 lidí


16 000 Kč
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